Well…damn, has the idiot trump’s head exploded yet? With how he’s going on and on with his failing media app, the explosion should be the next step….but I still have the question why he hasn’t been indicted yet? In the latest DOJ filing in response to idiot boy’s suit to try to get “his” documents back, they made it plain the trump broke the law, and they also had to explain to the trump appointed judge that took the case with no jurisdiction that the documents belong to the government of the US, not idiot boy…and as such, he doesn’t have any standing even to bring the suit that the judge accepted….basically saying they are done with trump filing these bullshit suits. I wonder if anyone is telling idiot boy to keep his mouth shut because he should….and every time they bitch about “transparency” and whine about information that hasn’t been released, the DOJ releases more and it make it worse for trump…you would think a “stable genius” would figure that out, but nope…his delusions are running the show now and he can’t help himself….geez…
Tag Archives: delusions
The effect of Russian bots…
Well…damn, listening to the right wing assholes in this country, you would think that there is a conspiracy to keep people from liking their bullshit on twitter and the other social media platforms…just yesterday Tulsi Gabbard whined on fox news that she normally gets 250 to 300K views on the right wing sludge she posts but in the past week that has dropped to only 15K views and she just knows it is from being censored for her views…but, hmmm….I wonder what event coincides with this drop in likes? Could it be the banning of Russian access to the internet and that includes the bots from the propaganda farms that Russia uses to amplify the craziest of the right wingers here and make them look more popular than they really are? Ole Tulsi is just not bright enough to understand that she is just not that popular and 90% of her base is made up of these Russian bots who pretend to be real “Muricans” to continue to do Putin’s work in helping the right wing assholes do more damage to the US…so poor Tulsi…her delusions have gotten the best of her…I wonder if her Russian funding is stopping, too? Too bad…geez…
The electoral college votes today…
Well…in any other presidential election year, voting by the electoral college to elect the new president would go by without many people even noticing it, since it has always been a foregone conclusion that the person getting the most votes in each state go the vote of that state’s electors. But, with the new, radical repub party, there are no rules and they are still trying to use the EC to cheat like they do everywhere and install the idiot boy for 4 more years. In all my long lifetime, I have never heard of threats of violence aimed at the electors in any state, but this new trump repub party, it is standard procedure to try to bully people and threaten violence if they don’t get their way…the threats got so bad here in Michigan that they closed the capitol for the EC votes in the senate chamber today and the electors have been given police escorts both to and from the chamber for the vote that is going on right now. Look, this is not normal…this kind of thing has never happened before and shouldn’t be happening now and the blame lies squarely on the repub party and it’s ringleader trump….at any point, or at every point the repub leadership should have shut this bullshit down but they are too damn scared of getting a trump tweet aimed at them…what kind of person can be scared of that asshole? All I know is that everything that is happening is the fault of the repubs…and there is no “both sides do it bullshit”…not once, not ever, has a dem politician called for the cancelling of election that they lost in a desperate attempt to stay out of jail…but that is just what is happening now…and that is the only reason idiot boy is doing it now…he needs the office to stay out of jail…nothing deeper than that…and he believes that because he would do anything to win in business or politics, he projects that the dems did that in this election…a delusion he will die with…
Still thinking…
Well…as I sit here trying to warm up from the bike ride, I am having trouble coming up with a topic for the day…I could talk about the freak show that happened here in Michigan as rudy brought his traveling roadshow of liars to try to get the certified results of the election nullified with a cast of characters who something, something, ballots, rhinestones, etc. Yep, it was that crazy and one of the witnesses was so nuts she has exploded on the internet with the hashtag drunklady since it did appear that she was…and since there is no evidence of fraud, all they could say was that the vote counting looked fishy and there is no way that idiot boy could lose. I think even the repubs here in Michigan are getting tired of this bullshit and just want it to be over…but that was not even the craziest thing that happened yesterday…you remember Roger Stone, another felon that trump pardoned? Well…he was in the news yesterday when some stupid reporters actually listened to his rantings and reported them….and these really are crazy…he thinks that north Korean boats brought boatloads of ballots into a port in Maine and they were counted and that was why trump lost…how frickin crazy is that? To cap that off, his supposed “proof” came from a q anon website so it just HAS to be true….I am not surprised at all that the repubs have devolved into this…they are really stupid after all…
What a clusterf****….
Well….we all saw the idiot trump’s poll numbers fall into the basement when people realized what an incompetent moron he was with not handling the coronavirus crisis at all and government agency after agency that he runs just give up even trying, but over the past two days, his approval rating has descended past the sub and into the sub-sub basement as it was revealed that he was briefed about Putin and Russia putting out and paying bounties on the murder of American soldiers in Afghanistan. Of course all they did was lie about getting that information and sitting on his fat ass and doing nothing with the press sec lying to the country that neither trump nor Pence had heard anything about it and tried to blame it on our intelligence agencies not doing their jobs or that the evidence was under “dispute” and not clear…even though commandos in the field had found stashes of money that was used for the bounties and had interrogated Taliban fighters who said “yep, that’s what the money is for”….and trump and his idiots continued to lie and say trump had never been briefed…but, in a just glorious turn, John Bolton came out with a statement yesterday saying that he told both Pence and trump last year that the bounty program was going on and that something should be done about it….we all know that trump’s reaction to anything Russia is that it is all a hoax and he trotted that same lie out yesterday…I don’t think it’s working too well this time though, as scads of former officials are all piling on trump saying his is delusional in damn near everything and yes, his malfesence is just as bad as it looks. So, keep it up donnie…the country has gotten so tired of your bullshit that every time you open your mouth you go further behind and the November election is looking more and more like a historical landslide for Biden and dems up and down the ballot…
Don’t be delusional, Joe…
Well…okay, just a short one on something that Joe Biden said the other day…that he expects to be able to “work with” repubs if he is elected…and to me that calls into question his judgment…don’t get me wrong, I like Joe and always have…he has served this country well for almost his entire life but Joe, haven’t you been paying attention for the past 40 years? Especially the past 10 where the repubs have shown quite clearly that they would prefer to burn the country down than even talk to any dem about anything. Joe, you are not magic…and these are not the people who you worked with in the House and Senate…this crop of repubs are the most ill informed, hate filled bigots who have ever defiled this country and not a damn thing you say or do is going to change that….and to talk about “working’ with them shows a lack of grasp of the political realty that now infests this country and the only thing that will change that is getting rid of every damn repub…things have changed, Joe…get with the times…
It’s all just vanity…
Well…I know you’ve all heard the stories of how people have tried and tried and tried to get trump to learn anything, with the head of the naval war college going so far as saying that he thinks that trump has a learning disability and a mental block that doesn’t allow him to take in any facts or data that are in conflict with his “beliefs” on any issue, whether or not his “beliefs” are driven by delusion on the idiot’s part…what I think is that idiot boy knows or has started to realize that his inability to perform his job is making him look bad and his vanity is driving him to reject intelligence or reality just to relieve the cognitive dissonance that this creates. Now, we all know trump is not bright enough to understand cognitive dissonance….remember one of his college professors who stated bluntly that trump was by far the the dumbest student he ever had? But, you don’t have to understand CD to react to it’s effects…oh, and if you’re wondering, yes, I do have a degree in psychology so I understand the terms I’m commenting on…it all comes back to the inflated self worth that trump displays every day that has no basis in reality…but his construct of the false reality needs to be supported by his delusions of success…and thinking he knows more than anyone about everything is all just part of his vanity that has been on display his entire life….let’s impeach the MF before he kills us all…cripes…
trump’s going to be surprised…
Well…it just dawned on me that, with trumps’s delusional response to being named “individual #1″ in the Cohen filings, tweeting that the filings “Totally clears the president. Thank you”…that there must be many people in the WH that are just blowing smoke up trump’s ass…telling him only what he wants to hear to keep the man-child in chief from throwing tantrums. If this is the case, and I think it is, trump is going to be really, really surprised when more shit hits the fan and he finally realizes he is screwed and faces many, many years in prison after he is out of office. Here’s the thing, all of these idiots in his circle, and in rich people’s circles across this country have been able to lie and steal and do whatever they want with little or no consequences so why wouldn’t he think he could continue to do it? There are finally people in the government and in the general public who have had enough of this crap…and they are starting to make people understand that the laws apply to everyone, and being rich is not a get out of jail free card…it’s about damn time…impeach….
Trump’s press conference?
Well….not sure if you watched the “press conference” that trump gave yesterday…I didn’t just because I refuse to listen to that idiot…but, the reviews are in and they range from the worst bad acid trip you’ve ever been on to that idiot is certifiably crazy. The shockwaves from it are resonating across the world…and the big question that keeps being asked is “how could America have elected this mentally ill person?” The answer to that is we didn’t…3,2 million more of us voted for Hillary but with the vote rigging that the repubs did, they stole the election and installed this idiot….and the idiots that work for him. I think the delusion runs all the way through the right since the comments from fox news and every other right wing rag is that trump hit it out of the park and put “the media” in it’s place….the right seems to be living in a shared delusion and they are sucking the rest of normals along with them…..
There are no trees….
Well…with all of the delusional stuff on the internet, it is not often that something fresh comes up that make you shake your head and laugh…but today is one of those days. Just read an article about a video out there called “There are no trees” that posits that the forests we see on earth now are not really forests and don’t contain “real trees” just small versions of the real trees that used to exist and towered hundreds of kilometers high carrying it’s own ecosystem. For proof, the makers cite Devil’s Tower as being the stump of one of the real trees and then goes on to say that other geological formations are more stumps. Now, you just have to hand it to the flat Earth folks…doing all the work to invent a brand new delusion for people to embrace…and the internet fringes have with over a hundred thousand views of the video…I haven’t seen it…not going to waste and hour and a half of my life on someone else’s delusions when mine work perfectly fine….oh, one last thing…these “real trees” sound suspiciously like the “Integral Trees” of the novel of the same name by Larry Niven…that was a pretty good story…but, just a story…