Well…as I sit here trying to warm up from the bike ride, I am having trouble coming up with a topic for the day…I could talk about the freak show that happened here in Michigan as rudy brought his traveling roadshow of liars to try to get the certified results of the election nullified with a cast of characters who something, something, ballots, rhinestones, etc. Yep, it was that crazy and one of the witnesses was so nuts she has exploded on the internet with the hashtag drunklady since it did appear that she was…and since there is no evidence of fraud, all they could say was that the vote counting looked fishy and there is no way that idiot boy could lose. I think even the repubs here in Michigan are getting tired of this bullshit and just want it to be over…but that was not even the craziest thing that happened yesterday…you remember Roger Stone, another felon that trump pardoned? Well…he was in the news yesterday when some stupid reporters actually listened to his rantings and reported them….and these really are crazy…he thinks that north Korean boats brought boatloads of ballots into a port in Maine and they were counted and that was why trump lost…how frickin crazy is that? To cap that off, his supposed “proof” came from a q anon website so it just HAS to be true….I am not surprised at all that the repubs have devolved into this…they are really stupid after all…