Tag Archives: Rudy Giuliani

Rudy has been served…

Well…I had to laugh when the final subpoena in the Arizona election fraud case was served yesterday to Rudy Giuliani at his 80th birthday party in Florida in front of a hundred people…now, how would you like it to be 80 and to have fallen so far as ole rudy? I still can’t figure out how everyone who is near the idiot trump ends up losing all their intelligence and everything else…after all, rudy is on the hook for 148 million dollars for slandering two election workers in Georgia and still is under felony indictment there and now in Arizona and maybe Michigan will be next…so when rudy goes to trial and gets convicted, he will probably spend the rest of his life in jail…all in the service of the orange idiot…now that’s a bad life choice…poor rudy…geez…

Poor, poor Rudy…

Well…and I do mean poor…as of today when ole rudy filed for bankruptcy saying he owes 500 million dollars that he can’t pay so the liquidation starts soon…but this doesn’t discharge the 148 million he owes to the Georgia poll workers since defamation judgements are exempt from discharge by bankruptcy…and you know what? He did all of this for frickin trump…probably the worst person in the entire world and dumber than a box of rocks…so what does that say about rudy? He could have just stayed at his law firm and out of politics and he’d be making a million bucks a year with two or three homes and more money that he could spend…but no, he was not bright enough to recognize that anything the idiot trump touches dies…just another grifter who couldn’t just be a normal person and live by the rules…and let’s remember, rudy still has the Georgia criminal trial that will probably land him in prison for the rest of his life…what a screw up…geez…

This is too funny…

Well…I guess ole rudy is one of the dumbest people in America…not that you didn’t know that already but damn, the stoopid, it burns…after having a148 million dollar judgement leveled against him last Friday, and even during the trial ole rudy kept up the same defamation that he was on trial for…still accusing the two women who sued him of bringing in boxes full of fake votes to give Georgia to Biden….and he is still out there doing it so guess what the two women did? They sued him for defamation…again and now we’ll get to see ole rudy have to go to court again and lose again…and I’ll bet the lawyer he was using in the last case won’t touch the new case…and who else will take it with rudy being less than broke? I mean he’d have to find the money to pay the 148 million dollar judgement just to get back being broke again….this is just too funny…geez…

Slow news day…

Well…not sure if I talked about this or not but the jury came back Friday in rudy giuliani’s defamation trial and yow…he new owes the mother/daughter election workers 148 million dollars…yep, the sucker is broke and will never pay it but neither will he be able to have anything worth anything…the 6 million dollar apartment in NYC? Gone…any bank accounts or any other valuable assets? Gone…and it couldn’t happen to more of rat bastard than rudy…sure, he will appeal it if the lawyer he has now sill do it for free since rudy really can’t pay him now…and ole rudy still has the criminal trial in Georgia that is going to start in the spring…and he is going to jail from that one along with the idiot trump and mark meadows…the last 3 defendants who were not given deals to testify….have a nice night, rudy…geez…

Poor Rudy…

Well…today is going to be the day that poor rudy giuliani is going to be destroyed for attacking the mother/daughter poll workers in Georgia and lying his ass off that they were counting fake votes when the mother was just passing a tic tac to the daughter…and he got the maga assholes all riled up so both women got hundreds and hundreds of death threats…and it got so bad that both women ended up in hiding having to move out of their houses…so they sued rudy and won their case and the jury is deliberating what the penalty is going to be…the women have asked for 48 million dollars and they may just get it with the stunt rudy pulled yesterday when he again said there was “proof” they were faking votes…funny thing, he never presented that “proof” and now his lawyer isn’t even talking to rudy probably sine he is not going to get paid for his work since rudy is already broke and can’t pay his bills…poor rudy…geez…

Ha, ha, ha…Rudy…

Well…how far is ole rudy giuliani going to fall? All the way to his final resting place in hell I hope…and the latest is that the judge overseeing the civil suit the Georgia poll workers filed against him has just ruled a default judgement against rudy since he didn’t provide any of the discovery that the judge ruled he had to…so now the suit still goes to trial to determine how much he is going to have to pay them…oh, and rudy even admitted that he defamed them repeatedly so it’s going to be more money than he has even if he sells his 6 million dollar NY house…I wonder how he looks in the mirror in the morning….he could have had a pretty nice life if he wouldn’t have hooked up with trump…and again, everything that trump touches dies….bye, bye, rudy….geez…

Rudy’s in deep crap…

Well…I wonder if there is a contest with the repubs to see who can be the worst person in the world? The latest contender for the title is Simon Bar Sinister, AKA rudy giuliani who it was revealed is a serial sex assualter, racist asshole and the woman who is suing him for all of this has tapes of him doing it…oh, and one other thing, she has him on tape trying to sell presidential pardons for 2 million dollars each…and guess who he was splitting it with? Yeah, that’s not hard to figure…it was the idiot trump…so when are the charges coming for this one? Garland, Garland…anyone there?  I wonder if rudy can share a cell with idiot boy? They are both going to be charged in Georgia so that would be fitting…Jack Smith, are you listening? Can you add a few more charges to the ones you’re going to hit both of these morons with? Just when you thought trump was the worst, he comes rudy saying hold my beer…geez…

Poor Rudy…

Well…just saw a bit of good news that the special counsel brought in to consolidate all of the investigations into the idiot trump has brought in a public corruption specialist to be part of the team…and that he has just subpoenaed ole Rudy Giuliani for his role in the 250 million dollar scam that trump pulled when he fleeced his supporters, saying the money was going to be used to contest the election but he never spent any of it for that…and folks, that is called fraud and it is something that idiot boy’s company was just convicted of in NYC. And it looks like everyone else that was involved have been served as well and I sure hope that this means that Jack smith is moving this case and every other case forward and maybe, just maybe he will get to trump soon…and get him the hell out of public life once an for all…geez…

The noose tightens…

Well…yeah, I’m running late today with doing the two rides, running some errands, going to the beach, and then mowing the lawn…so, it’s been a pretty busy day…but I did want to talk about some good news that came out of Georgia over the past couple of days…after trying to keep from testifying to the grand jury in Georgia by claiming immunity by being a sitting US senator, a judge called bullshit on Lindsey Graham and said he has to testify…and he has a choice to make…tell the truth and throw the idiot trump under the bus or perjure himself since you can’t take the fifth in front of a grand jury….whatever the choice, the noose it tightening around ole Lindsey and there is no way he can bullshit his way out of this one….he did try to get predominately black votes thrown out with his call to the SoS and that is against the law in Georgia….oh, and here’s the one that really made me smile…Rudy Giuliani has been informed that he is a target of the investigation into election interference in Georgia and has to testify next week after trying to get his testimony delayed by claiming that his doctor said he couldn’t fly because of some illness…and the judge in the case told him they would send him bus or train fare but his is going to testify when scheduled…he is going to jail along with Lindsey and the idiot trump….but I guess they’ll have to wait in line until after the feds are done with trump….some good news for a change…geez…

Delusion, thy name is trump…

Well…cripes, the idiot in chief is still delusional and is taking all of his cronies with him…they are still having “cabinet” meetings and “making plans and working hard” to quote the ex-chief of staff meadows…trump, working hard? Ha, ha…it is to laugh to quote Daffy Duck….idiot boy has never worked hard in his life and the only reason he is doing anything at all it to keep bilking the rubes out of their cash…and that’s it…since he discovered the group of morons still willing to believe his lies and he can raise 60 million dollars just by keeping them worked up and sending out a few e-mails, do you think he would ever do anything but that again? I guess he is in the endorsement business now but he is not very good at that either since the first two candidates that he put his considerable weight behind have lost their elections….and let’s not forget all of the lawsuits/criminal charges that are coming from SDNY and all over the country…one funny thing to remember, even after raising all that cash, idiot boy is still stiffing rudy and not paying any of his legal bills…and rudy is reported to be almost broke…couldn’t happen to a bigger asshole….geez