Tag Archives: surrendering assets

Poor Rudy…

Well…I was laughing quite a bit yesterday when I read that poor old rudy had to turn over all of his property but his clothes to the two Georgia poll workers who he repeatedly slandered after the 2020 election…making up lies that they “stuffed” ballot boxes and other cheating that went on for over a year…so now rudy has to turn over his 6 million dollar apartment in New York along with any cars he owns and all other property that he has stashed around the country…and he is still going to owe them over 150 million dollars more so anything he earns from the right wing wingnut machine goes to them, too…how’s being trump’s puppy working out for ya, rudy? Look…we know that idiot boy doesn’t hire the “best people” but I think there is more to it than that…even smart people who come into the idiot’s contact seem to have their IQ lowered by half and will do things that any rational person would walk away from…just look at all the lawyers who have gone to jail or are under indictment after working for the idiot…I have no sympathy for them…they knew what trump was and they worked for him anyway…geez…