Poor, poor Rudy…

Well…and I do mean poor…as of today when ole rudy filed for bankruptcy saying he owes 500 million dollars that he can’t pay so the liquidation starts soon…but this doesn’t discharge the 148 million he owes to the Georgia poll workers since defamation judgements are exempt from discharge by bankruptcy…and you know what? He did all of this for frickin trump…probably the worst person in the entire world and dumber than a box of rocks…so what does that say about rudy? He could have just stayed at his law firm and out of politics and he’d be making a million bucks a year with two or three homes and more money that he could spend…but no, he was not bright enough to recognize that anything the idiot trump touches dies…just another grifter who couldn’t just be a normal person and live by the rules…and let’s remember, rudy still has the Georgia criminal trial that will probably land him in prison for the rest of his life…what a screw up…geez…

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