Well…happy winter solstice to everyone….slept okay last night but the morning pattern is getting to be a bore with getting up at 3, 5, and then out of bed at 6:10…and it’s still going to be too damn cold to go outdoors on the bike until this aft if I get out at all…so I’ll start the day with two rides indoors…and then make some potato soup for lunch…I did buy another ham so that will be cooked tomorrow and that will keep me fed for another week…so that puts making ham soup after new years…didn’t get much done yesterday but I will try to get some cleaning done today….it’s going to get into the 50′s for a couple of days but with rain so I may miss getting outdoors for the end of the year…it looks like I’m not going to make 5,000 miles for the year but I gave it a good try…ate two meals yesterday and I feel pretty guilty about that…need to try to do three rides today to have 31 miles in to get closer but I’m not too motivated right now…not much to do today…just going to have coffee and sit here a bit…have a little over an hour before I need to get on the bike and I want the coffee to start working….more later…