Well…I think we all owe a big thank you to Colorado for the SC decision that the idiot trump is disqualified from getting on the ballot there since he led an insurrection against the US…this is exactly what article 3 of the 14th amendment says…that you can’t hold any office in the US if you attack it or help others attack it…and the context is that this part of the amendment was written specifically to keep people who supported the south in the Civil War from getting into the government…not much different from what idiot boy tried to do…I’m sure this is going to be appealed but the language of the amendment clear…and of course idiot boy is freaking out, calling the ruling “undemocratic” when the courts decision is just upholding the constitution against an asshole who plotted and planned an insurrection…I guess the ketchup is hitting the walls again at his tacky golf club…now we need to rest of the blue states to follow suit…we only need 3 or 4 and even if the repubs nominate him, that will be enough votes to keep him miles away from the WH….geez…