Well…and I do mean poor…as of today when ole rudy filed for bankruptcy saying he owes 500 million dollars that he can’t pay so the liquidation starts soon…but this doesn’t discharge the 148 million he owes to the Georgia poll workers since defamation judgements are exempt from discharge by bankruptcy…and you know what? He did all of this for frickin trump…probably the worst person in the entire world and dumber than a box of rocks…so what does that say about rudy? He could have just stayed at his law firm and out of politics and he’d be making a million bucks a year with two or three homes and more money that he could spend…but no, he was not bright enough to recognize that anything the idiot trump touches dies…just another grifter who couldn’t just be a normal person and live by the rules…and let’s remember, rudy still has the Georgia criminal trial that will probably land him in prison for the rest of his life…what a screw up…geez…
Tag Archives: bankruptcy
It’s just plain greed…
Well…not sure if you’ve heard that Bed, bath, and beyond just filed for bankruptcy the other day or if you’ve heard what the management did shortly before that filing but it is one of the worst things I have ever heard….the company had been flailing around for years as they couldn’t figure out how to make a brick and mortar store move into the present and defend itself from online retailers like Amazon…that same shitty management is the one that declared bankruptcy but not before they stole a billion dollars from the company in the form of stock buybacks and direct cash payments to management while long term employees got nothing…no notice, no severance, no health insurance, no nothing for anybody but the owners and managers. It is just plain greed that these people are allowed to gut the company and enrich themselves while their creditors and employees are left holding the bag…typical American business practices…all of the management should be in jail for theft…geez…
Donald Trump is in!
Well…I can hardly contain my glee after hearing the announcement that the Donald has declared his candidacy for president…and his speech announcing it was just the riches bit of absurdist theater I can remember seeing in a long, long time…starting with his rant that illegal immigrants are “drug dealers, they bring in crime, and they are rapists” wow, way to go Donald…alienate some 40% of the voters out there that are Hispanic and then all of us that are on the left…hmmmm…what does that leave for you? Oh, the 26% that are tea partiers…not the brightest way to get elected by any means. But, really….does this delusional idiot think he has any chance in this election? Yeah…I’ll be he does since he still believes in a fake Obama birth certificate…that there is no global warming, or that he is a businessman of any sort….I guess it would be pretty easy to be rich when you start out with 400 million dollars of daddy’s money and then use bankruptcy as your business plan to screw all your creditors and the people that work for you…I guess it’s not much different than ole Mitt’s plan from Bain…the two of them should work well together…it is going to be a fun summer listening to this idiot…and the rest of the idiots that are running…go Bernie!
Paul Ryan always has been and will always be a liar…
Well…I find it so funny to watch as the supposedly honest man in the repub party, Paul Ryan, is exposed as the liar that they all are over there…the latest whopper is the talking point that 1.4 million small businesses have filed for bankruptcy under Obama…and he goes on to repeat the meme that Obama is even worse than Carter…one of the new talking points that ole Paul has rolled out this week. The problem is that ole Paul is either not the detail oriented policy wonk that he has been portrayed, or he is just flat out lying when he makes these claims…the real numbers, according to the New York Times is around 47,000….I can see why he got it wrong since 1.4 million is so close to 47 thousand….I am laughing as ole Ryan’s reputation has crashed and burned every time he has opened his mouth in the last week…even the mainstream media is calling him out on this nonsense…take a look at the Matt Lauer interview from the other day and you’ll see what I mean…and even when caught in the lies, this idiot doubles down and tries to spin what he said so much I’m afraid he is going to burst into flames from the friction…geez…
Ole Mitt is still delusional…
Well…I just have to hand it to ole Mitt and his chutzpah over the past few days, trying to take credit for the success of the auto bailout….yep, the guy who famously said “let them go bankrupt” is now taking credit like he was the one who provided the money and the guts to save 3 million jobs in the auto industry…what a load of crap! What ole Mitt wanted was for the companies to go through what he did to other companies while he was at Bain…that is for them to shed all of the middle class, union jobs, replacing them (or not replacing them) with many, many fewer, low paying jobs so his vulture cronies could come in, destroy the companies while piling up billions in fees that would go to the 1%. So, if ole Mitt can take credit for the bailout, shouldn’t I be able to say the same thing since I advocated some form of restructuring a few years back? Let’s remember one thing here….that restructuring takes money, money that was not even available to high profit companies like GE during the financial meltdown…something that ole Mitt is conveniently forgetting…that the government was the lender of last resort and that there just was NO private money for the process. What a liar…..