Well…I just have to hand it to ole Mitt and his chutzpah over the past few days, trying to take credit for the success of the auto bailout….yep, the guy who famously said “let them go bankrupt” is now taking credit like he was the one who provided the money and the guts to save 3 million jobs in the auto industry…what a load of crap! What ole Mitt wanted was for the companies to go through what he did to other companies while he was at Bain…that is for them to shed all of the middle class, union jobs, replacing them (or not replacing them) with many, many fewer, low paying jobs so his vulture cronies could come in, destroy the companies while piling up billions in fees that would go to the 1%. So, if ole Mitt can take credit for the bailout, shouldn’t I be able to say the same thing since I advocated some form of restructuring a few years back? Let’s remember one thing here….that restructuring takes money, money that was not even available to high profit companies like GE during the financial meltdown…something that ole Mitt is conveniently forgetting…that the government was the lender of last resort and that there just was NO private money for the process. What a liar…..