Well…in any other presidential election year, voting by the electoral college to elect the new president would go by without many people even noticing it, since it has always been a foregone conclusion that the person getting the most votes in each state go the vote of that state’s electors. But, with the new, radical repub party, there are no rules and they are still trying to use the EC to cheat like they do everywhere and install the idiot boy for 4 more years. In all my long lifetime, I have never heard of threats of violence aimed at the electors in any state, but this new trump repub party, it is standard procedure to try to bully people and threaten violence if they don’t get their way…the threats got so bad here in Michigan that they closed the capitol for the EC votes in the senate chamber today and the electors have been given police escorts both to and from the chamber for the vote that is going on right now. Look, this is not normal…this kind of thing has never happened before and shouldn’t be happening now and the blame lies squarely on the repub party and it’s ringleader trump….at any point, or at every point the repub leadership should have shut this bullshit down but they are too damn scared of getting a trump tweet aimed at them…what kind of person can be scared of that asshole? All I know is that everything that is happening is the fault of the repubs…and there is no “both sides do it bullshit”…not once, not ever, has a dem politician called for the cancelling of election that they lost in a desperate attempt to stay out of jail…but that is just what is happening now…and that is the only reason idiot boy is doing it now…he needs the office to stay out of jail…nothing deeper than that…and he believes that because he would do anything to win in business or politics, he projects that the dems did that in this election…a delusion he will die with…