Well…it’s 9:21 am and I am already bored with this day….and it’s still only 21 degrees outside so even the prospect of getting a ride in today is far, far in the future…so, let’s talk a little politics…yesterday, the electors made it official and Joe and Kamala won the election…but the stupid repubs just won’t give it up…here in Michigan, they tried to send a bunch of “alternate electors” into the state capitol to vote for the idiot trump but they were stopped at the door since they had no legal standing other than in some delusional repubs head…I do like that Joe has started to call out idiot boy’s behavior for what it is…damaging to our country and democracy but I think he is naive if he thinks he is going to be able to work with the trump cult as he said in his speech….these people are too far gone down the rabbit hole and Joe needs to see the reality of it…that none of this is normal and normal methods aren’t going to do the job…he needs to have a plan in place for the alternatives when working with them fails…but, I’m sure that they have smart people working on that problem right now since Joe’s people are competent….not like idiot boy’s whose only skills are kissing trump’s butt….still haven’t seen trump’s tweetstorm for today but it must gall the hell out of him that Putin called Joe to congratulate him on his win and there will be comments coming…that should be rich…
Tag Archives: electoral college
The electoral college votes today…
Well…in any other presidential election year, voting by the electoral college to elect the new president would go by without many people even noticing it, since it has always been a foregone conclusion that the person getting the most votes in each state go the vote of that state’s electors. But, with the new, radical repub party, there are no rules and they are still trying to use the EC to cheat like they do everywhere and install the idiot boy for 4 more years. In all my long lifetime, I have never heard of threats of violence aimed at the electors in any state, but this new trump repub party, it is standard procedure to try to bully people and threaten violence if they don’t get their way…the threats got so bad here in Michigan that they closed the capitol for the EC votes in the senate chamber today and the electors have been given police escorts both to and from the chamber for the vote that is going on right now. Look, this is not normal…this kind of thing has never happened before and shouldn’t be happening now and the blame lies squarely on the repub party and it’s ringleader trump….at any point, or at every point the repub leadership should have shut this bullshit down but they are too damn scared of getting a trump tweet aimed at them…what kind of person can be scared of that asshole? All I know is that everything that is happening is the fault of the repubs…and there is no “both sides do it bullshit”…not once, not ever, has a dem politician called for the cancelling of election that they lost in a desperate attempt to stay out of jail…but that is just what is happening now…and that is the only reason idiot boy is doing it now…he needs the office to stay out of jail…nothing deeper than that…and he believes that because he would do anything to win in business or politics, he projects that the dems did that in this election…a delusion he will die with…
Another reason to get rid of the electoral College…
Well…if there already weren’t enough reasons to get rid of the racist electoral college that has given the past three repub *presidents the office when they got less votes than their competitor, the latest is the little known and never used clause that says that the governor of any state can seat his own slate of electors and ignore the votes of the people. And trump and his cronies have seized on that clause and are setting up the process to bribe governors of swing states where trump loses to do just that…so all of the repub bleating about “voter fraud” that is bad, bad, bad unless repubs do it…but we knew that, didn’t we? I really do hope trump tries it…there will be rioting in the street from all voters who suddenly find that their votes didn’t count at all with trump stealing the election. So, when we win…and we are going to win, the electoral college has got to go and we need to make the popular vote what elects presidents…it is the only fair way to support “one person, one vote” that is at the heart of our society…what’s left of it….geez…don’t these guys ever get tired of cheating?
A few open threads…
Well…don’t really have a big one for today but I do have a few short open threads that I do want to comment on…
First…why the hell are we talking about gutting social security and medicare when the programs are solvent until 2030? If we can get the repubs out of the way and get to historical levels of growth in the economy, that extends out another 15 years or so…so why are the repubs so adamant about cutting and cutting the things that the middle class depends on to stay above poverty? Especially since these don’t contribute one penny to the deficit…
Then we have more mischief by the repubs here in Michigan where they are going ahead with the plans to rig the electoral vote so they will win the majority of them even when they lose the state…they can’t win on ideas so lie, cheat, and steal…
Then, let’s move on to Oklahoma and the new plans to allow employers to not include birth control in their health plans since in women, it “suppresses their identity and poisons their bodies”…and they are writing this law for the entire state on the request of one quack doctor…what the hell happened to trying to put people back to work?
Okay….that’s all for now…might have a few more for later….
What a stupid reason…
Well…if you were here yesterday, you know about the Koch fueled push to change how electoral college votes are awarded to try to rig the election for the repubs….the reason that the repubs in Virgina are using to justify this blatant attempt to steal presidential elections is so damn funny that I just had to do another one dealing with it. One of the idiot repubs there explains that the areas with less population are feeling that their votes aren’t counting as much as the urban areas…yep, that’s right, this idiot is proposing that a town or rural area with a few thousand voters should count the same as the urban areas that have millions of voters…oh, and the area with millions of voters are the scary “urban” voters that the repubs don’t feel are “real” Americans…or, more likely, won’t vote for the batshit crazy repubs. That is what apportioning electoral votes by congressional district would do….it would mean that the white, rural areas of states with less than half the votes would still control how many and to who the electoral votes would go to. What else are these guys going to do to destroy our democracy? One of the things these short sighted, amoral asses just don’t get is that they have just handed our side the best issue we could have hoped for for the 2014 elections…just imagine the ads that will be run against the repubs that are doing this nonsense…especially since more than 80% of the American people are dead against this kind of shenanigan….please proceed….geez…
This is the party of morality and ethics?
Well…not sure if you’ve heard of the latest outrage by the repubs across the country and their continuing push to rig elections by any means possible, starting with the gerrymandering of congressional districts, various methods of voter suppression, and now trying to rig the electoral college so even if their candidate loses by as big of a margin as ole Mitt did, he would still be president. This latest, nasty little trick by the Koch’s and ALEC, seeks to change the way electoral votes are awarded from the winner take all method in most states, to apportioning them by congressional districts that the repubs have already rigged. If you need any evidence of the seriousness of these proposed changes, you just have to look at our state of Michigan where Obama won by 9% but with the new scheme, the majority of the electoral votes would have gone to ole Mitt. An analysis I saw yesterday that was done on the national level found that if the votes were awarded as the repubs propose, even though Obama won by almost 6 million votes, ole Mitt would have won the election. How much more un-American can you get? But, that is the repubs pattern, wave the flag to distract people and then steal elections by any way they can. In all of my long life, I have never seen a party, other than in the Soviet Union, that would go so far to rig an election that they wouldn’t win on their ideas…these guys should be arrested…oh, one last thing…it is being proposed here in Michigan by the same folks that brought you right to work for less and guns in the schools…geez…
These guys never quit…
Well…I have been waiting for a couple of weeks to work on this one…hoping that the whole thing would die down and be just a bad dream…but, it appears to be even worse than I expected so I need to say something about it. As you know, the repubs lost big in the last election even with all of their efforts to suppress the votes across the country….and since the voter id crap and restricting voting hours didn’t work, we now have the Koch brothers pet organization, ALEC, you know, the guys behind the stand your ground laws that make it legal to murder, figuring out ways to make sure that repubs can win in the electoral college by rigging how the votes are apportioned…going from winner takes all in most states to proportional awarding of the votes…by some formula that would always favor the repubs. In fact, here in Michigan, with the new way of dividing the votes would have given 9 of the 16 votes to Romney where Obama won the state by almost 9 points. That’s the repubs idea of democracy in action…they can’t compete on ideas since the country has moved on past them, but their thirst for power has them willing to subvert the very democracy they say they revere…but that is the repubs…no honor, no honesty, and no intelligence…geez…
Let’s climb down from the ledge….
Well…there has been much consternation from the good guys that Obama has not been able to pull away in the polls with Romney being exposed for the shallow idiot that he is…and plenty of us have been on the ledge, ready to jump…but there was a good article that just came across Twitter from the WAPO today that does the right math, the electoral math, not the popular vote math the repubs are pushing. In the popular vote, ole Mitt has been crowing that all he needs to win is 50.1% of the vote to become president, again exposing that he is just not too bright…when we look at the electoral math and map… even with being tied, Obama has almost 240 votes that are essentially locked in of the 270 needed for election while ole Mitt has around 190…of the 110 left, Obama only needs to win 30 more but ole Mitt needs around 80 to get the job done…basically, he would have to run the table and take all of the remaining votes, something that does not look possible with the leads that Obama has in many of those states. So, climb down from the ledges folks, it still looks good for the good guys and with today’s new rape controversy sparked by another stupid repub…it will look even better tomorrow…especially since ole Mitt just did and ad for this idiot. Geez…