Well…if you were here yesterday, you know about the Koch fueled push to change how electoral college votes are awarded to try to rig the election for the repubs….the reason that the repubs in Virgina are using to justify this blatant attempt to steal presidential elections is so damn funny that I just had to do another one dealing with it. One of the idiot repubs there explains that the areas with less population are feeling that their votes aren’t counting as much as the urban areas…yep, that’s right, this idiot is proposing that a town or rural area with a few thousand voters should count the same as the urban areas that have millions of voters…oh, and the area with millions of voters are the scary “urban” voters that the repubs don’t feel are “real” Americans…or, more likely, won’t vote for the batshit crazy repubs. That is what apportioning electoral votes by congressional district would do….it would mean that the white, rural areas of states with less than half the votes would still control how many and to who the electoral votes would go to. What else are these guys going to do to destroy our democracy? One of the things these short sighted, amoral asses just don’t get is that they have just handed our side the best issue we could have hoped for for the 2014 elections…just imagine the ads that will be run against the repubs that are doing this nonsense…especially since more than 80% of the American people are dead against this kind of shenanigan….please proceed….geez…