Well….not sure if you have been following the special elections that have been going on across the country that the dems have been overperforming in, but that is not what this is about…it is a good thing that we have been crushing it…especially in Virginia where we have flipped the legislature there from a 65-35 repub majority to a 50-50 tied one…but, the stunning thing I wanted to highlight here is that every frickin vote counts…that when we vote, we win…and that was shown yesterday when a dem won her recount by one vote! That’s right…one vote took the majority away from the repubs and split the legislature down the middle….and this, along with the pickup in Wisconsin from another progressive woman, shows how important it is for all of us to make sure we vote every time…and vote for our great progressive candidates who will put the people first…not the rich or corporations…it will be a long slog but we CAN make the repubs pay for this abomination of a tax fraud that throws 13 million people off their health insurance in the next year…people are going to die to give the country to the rich and we can fight back…but, we all need to vote…get out there and do it….
Tag Archives: Virginia
Bye, bye, Eric Cantor…
Well…I was a little groggy last night when I heard this wonderful bit of news and it really didn’t sink in until this morning…one of the “brains’ of the repub party got his butt kicked in a primary yesterday and will be out of the house in a few months…I am laughing, and laughing since this smug little shit was the face behind the whold idea of cutting SS and Medicare to pay for the deficits that the repubs ran on purpose to destroy the hated social programs that benefit anyone but the rich. Now, he is gone…supposedly not conservative enough for his party anymore…a party who thinks that anyone who doesn’t hate gays enough, who doesn’t hate women enough, who doesn’t hate voters enough has to go…but, the one concerning thing about this goodness is that the one replacing him is just batshit insane…who thinks that SS and medicare payouts should be cut by 75% and that the only economy that has ever worked is one that uses christian principles instead of economics….and who can’t even put together a simple answer to whether he supports the minimum wage…this might not be good…geez…
Republicans are just evil…
Well…I’m not sure how many times I’ve said this over the years but, from their behavior, repubs are just evil, evil people who only care about ideology, not about the people they are supposed to work for. The latest example comes from Virginia, where the dem governor there is trying to get almost 400,000 people without health insurance covered under the Medicaid expansion from Obamacare, but the repubs are doing everything including bribing a dem senator to quit his job so the repubs will control the senate and block the expansion. Yep, you heard that right…this traitor dem tried to trade his senate seat for a place on some tobacco board and for his daughter getting a judgeship…bribery, plain and simple…but the thing that just galls me here is that selfishness of this guy…to trade the health and welfare of all of those Virginians and allowing some of them to die just so he can take care of his family. What about the rest of Virginia’s families, senator? Just ugly republican double dealing just like they have done everywhere they have taken power…and they continue to be returned to power by the very people they are saying “screw you” to…geez…
Another one bites the dust…
Well…just ran across another neat little tidbit in the news a few minutes ago that I just had to share…it seems the former governor of Virginia was indicted today for taking gifts and bribes while he was in office…and it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy…and by that I mean a crazy-assed privileged repub who thought that the laws don’t apply to them. To make this even better, this idiot was the tea party darling who did more to egg on the legislature there to take away a woman’s right to control her own healthcare and forced doctors to perform unnecessary medical procedures on women who want abortions. Just another instance where the connected repubs think that they can do anything they want when they are in office…or in business and that the laws that the rest of us live by don’t apply to them…glad they got this prick….geez…
Elections and other stuff…
Well….it’s another day of being so damn tired I can barely stand it and I’m not sure what is going on….okay…it’s from not eating enough but could be from not sleeping…aargh…I do want to say a few words about the elections yesterday but the only one that really meant anything was the gov of Virgina that we won…and got rid of the crazy that was running on their side…but, he will get a cushy, million dollar lobbying job in Washington or will work for the Heritage foundation or some other right wing scam operation that does nothing but grift from the idiots on the right….oh, the other stuff….not sure what that is….it just seemed like a good title…more later….maybe…
Election day…
Well…had a nice ride and got my winter wheels painted, so now it’s time for a few thoughts about today’s election…nothing going on out here in Gaines township so I really don’t have to vote…but, there are some interesting things going on across the country especially in Virginia where it looks like we will pick up the governorship and most of the upper offices there…saying goodbye to the idiot Cuccinelli who is the worst of the tea party idiots…well…that’s not true, he’s pretty close but the gop’s lieut gov is even worse…so good riddance to these women hating, gay bashing idiots….one bad thing today is that ole Christie will likely keep his job in New Jersey…even after having a screaming fight with a teacher where he said she basically didn’t deserve to be on the earth…we progressives have to get rid of people like Christie…a very, very good liar who has taken in the people of NJ…he is no different that the rest of the righties…even going so far as to sue to keep gays from having equal rights…it should be interesting later today when the polls close…
Some good news…in politics anyway…
Well…there have been some signs starting to appear that are pointing to what many of us have been hoping for for a long time now….that the crazy assed repubs are starting to pay for that craziness….the latest place this has come to light is in
Virginia where the repubs have been in control of the entire government for a few years now and have done what these asses have done everywhere else…go after women’s rights, vilify gay people, and try to give the states away to their corporate masters. But, it appears that there are enough people in Virginia who are saying enough with this crap…the final polls for the election next week appear to say that the entire top of the ticket, from governor, lieut governor, attorney general and more are going to the dems….and that means no more vaginal ultrasounds or other nonsense from the legislature there…the repubs will still own both houses but there will be a significant erosion on their power…and, maybe the opportunity is there to take the whole state in two years…something that didn’t look possible even last year….keep at it dems…we can exterminate the crazy if we just turn out….geez….
The war on women is still on in Virginia…
Well…I thought I’d heard it all from Virgina with the attacks on womens rights coming fast and furious with mandated vaginal ultrasounds, personhood for embryos…and the rest of the right wing hooey…but, they are still at it…with the nominee for AG there being the author of a bill that would require any woman that has a miscarriage to report it to police within 24 hours and then put her grief aside and be interviewed by police so they can file a report on it…if she doesn’t, she faces a year in jail and 2500 dollar fine…I am just speechless how mean these repub bastards are and how little respect they have for a woman that has just gone through this terrible thing….not much else to say….geez….
What a stupid reason…
Well…if you were here yesterday, you know about the Koch fueled push to change how electoral college votes are awarded to try to rig the election for the repubs….the reason that the repubs in Virgina are using to justify this blatant attempt to steal presidential elections is so damn funny that I just had to do another one dealing with it. One of the idiot repubs there explains that the areas with less population are feeling that their votes aren’t counting as much as the urban areas…yep, that’s right, this idiot is proposing that a town or rural area with a few thousand voters should count the same as the urban areas that have millions of voters…oh, and the area with millions of voters are the scary “urban” voters that the repubs don’t feel are “real” Americans…or, more likely, won’t vote for the batshit crazy repubs. That is what apportioning electoral votes by congressional district would do….it would mean that the white, rural areas of states with less than half the votes would still control how many and to who the electoral votes would go to. What else are these guys going to do to destroy our democracy? One of the things these short sighted, amoral asses just don’t get is that they have just handed our side the best issue we could have hoped for for the 2014 elections…just imagine the ads that will be run against the repubs that are doing this nonsense…especially since more than 80% of the American people are dead against this kind of shenanigan….please proceed….geez…
A short one about the republican playbook..
Well…this thought just came to me as I have been reading about the vagueness of the economic proposals that are coming out of the Romney camp…it occurs to me that this is the exact same playbook that Scott Walker used to get elected in Wisconsin…lie to the people about your true intentions and make yourself look as innocuous as possible…never revealing your true, radical agenda until after the election…the only problem is that there is no way to recall a president that does that like there are in many of the states. this appears to be in the repub playbook all across the country as we move toward the election….just more of the “bait and switch” that the repubs have done so successfully over the past few years…
One last thing…the repubs have sunk to a new low today in Virginia for rejecting a judicial candidate just because he is gay and supports civil rights for gays and lesbians. While I abhor this kind of conduct by the repubs…I also feel that it is going to hasten the inevitable decline of those troglodytes and we may not have to deal with them anymore by the end of my lifetime….we can hope, anyway…