Tag Archives: Ken Cuccinelli

Election day…

Well…had a nice ride and got my winter wheels painted, so now it’s time for a few thoughts about today’s election…nothing going on out here in Gaines township so I really don’t have to vote…but, there are some interesting things going on across the country especially in Virginia where it looks like we will pick up the governorship and most of the upper offices there…saying goodbye to the idiot Cuccinelli who is the worst of the tea party idiots…well…that’s not true, he’s pretty close but the gop’s lieut gov is even worse…so good riddance to these women hating, gay bashing idiots….one bad thing today is that ole Christie will likely keep his job in New Jersey…even after having a screaming fight with a teacher where he said she basically didn’t deserve to be on the earth…we progressives have to get rid of people like Christie…a very, very good liar who has taken in the people of NJ…he is no different that the rest of the righties…even going so far as to sue to keep gays from having equal rights…it should be interesting later today when the polls close…