Well…I was a little groggy last night when I heard this wonderful bit of news and it really didn’t sink in until this morning…one of the “brains’ of the repub party got his butt kicked in a primary yesterday and will be out of the house in a few months…I am laughing, and laughing since this smug little shit was the face behind the whold idea of cutting SS and Medicare to pay for the deficits that the repubs ran on purpose to destroy the hated social programs that benefit anyone but the rich. Now, he is gone…supposedly not conservative enough for his party anymore…a party who thinks that anyone who doesn’t hate gays enough, who doesn’t hate women enough, who doesn’t hate voters enough has to go…but, the one concerning thing about this goodness is that the one replacing him is just batshit insane…who thinks that SS and medicare payouts should be cut by 75% and that the only economy that has ever worked is one that uses christian principles instead of economics….and who can’t even put together a simple answer to whether he supports the minimum wage…this might not be good…geez…