Well…it has been funny to hear the howl coming from the right here in Michigan…was actually looking out the door to see if I could see or hear any heads exploding…on the ruling on equality that was handed down Friday afternoon in favor of everyone having the same rights. The cries were the same ones that you always hear when the repub sponsored bigotry is found to be unconstitutional…damn activist, liberal judge! But, the only problem with that is that this guy was appointed by Reagan…so that makes him a liberal? I am so tired of the repubs loving government when they can use it to discriminate, but when the result is to increase equality and freedom, they just howl like crazy….and one other funny thing is that in every state where these types of cases have come to the court, every judge has come down on the side of the 14th amendment and equal protection…so now all judges are activist liberals? Get over it haters…get over the fact that this country is changing toward equality and tolerance for all, not just the people you agree with…geez…
Oh, on last thing… Schuette, stop spending my tax money to defend discrimination with the appeal…especially since you have no case…
Well…just a short one on the cool developments here in Michigan where a federal judge just struck down the discrimination that was enshrined in the constitution when the marriage inequality act was passed in 2004. I really like what the judge did with the supposed “experts” that the state of Michigan called in to support continuation of inequality, basically calling them lying hacks who had nothing to add to the case….but, the best part is that the judge used the 14th amendment to the constitution and it’s equal protection clause to say that everyone has to be treated equally…you don’t get to discriminate just because you have the votes to do it…I do feel bad that the appeals court has stepped in an stayed the ruling until next week but it won’t last forever and everyone in the state will be equal when it happens…yay…
Well…have gotten distracted with it being warm enough to go out on the bike in just a t-shirt today and then it was the car that was calling me…and now, I’m going back to the hardware store to try to find a screw for the sunvisor…but, I will be back for a political one in about an hour…
Okay..decided to not go and look for the screw so I’m back here…I am just laughing about the repubs efforts at “re-branding” themselves in all areas, from womens rights to gay rights, voter suppression…etc. when you have an idiot like one of ours here in Michigan, the former congresscrud Agema who went off about “the gays” on his facebook page using debunked statistics to try to make the point that, and here’s a whopper, that 50% of all murders committed in NYC were done by gays…just so laughably untrue…and he went on and on that gays are like alcoholics, that they have more diseases than the straight population…you get the picture…substitute black or jew for gay in any of his statements and we see how far they haven’t come…but, the worst part is that this piece of crap was not only not disavowed by the repub hierarchy, he was invited to the latest repub platform meetings and had all of his hateful nonsense written into the new party platform….so, the hate goes on but they just need to explain it better and everyone will hate? People like Agema…hell…people like most repubs were never taken seriously when I was a kid….why now? Who know? geez…
Well…have had this one rattling around in my head for a couple of days now and I’m still not sure if I can get it out and make any sense…it started with the latest gambit of the bigots on the right where they are playing the persecution card now that they have been called out on their bigotry towards gays…saying that they are just following their religion so that gives them a pass to be racists and bigots…that may be so within their religion but it doesn’t give them license to push their bigotry on the whole country. That is what they have been doing for years with DOMA, prop 8 in Cali, and the constitutional amendment here in Michigan that bans gay marriage. I, for one, am just damn sick and tired of having religion in the public sphere at all…why should my life and the lives of anyone be affected by silly assed writings done by a bunch of superstitious goatherders over 2,000 years ago….especially since all of them were cribbed from earlier writings…some from over 1500 years before Jesus was supposedly born. I have just one thing to say…if you want to live by the Bible or the teachings of the flying spaghetti monster, go ahead…just leave me out of it and stop trying to jam this crap down the throats of us who think…geez…
Well…sitting here watching a replay of the Man U match with Real Madrid getting ready for the live one this aft and this neat little tidbit was in one of the papers this morning that could pre-empt the supreme court ruling on Prop 8 from California on gay rights…or at least will be before it…here in Michigan, there is a court case challenging the constitutional amendment that keeps gays from having the same rights to marry and adopt children as the rest of us have…I am getting to the point that I consider this a human rights issue…I could just say “this doesn’t affect me” but that would be wrong..in the US we are all supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law and this amendment singles out gays and lesbians as being a “little less equal” to quote from “Animal Farm”. I feel good that all of the spurious arguments that the gay haters use to try to justify their discrimination are being exposed to the light of day for how ridiculous they are and we are finally going to have the start of real equality in all facets of life for all of our citizens. It’s about time…and, look, I think it’s going to be fun watching the haters on the right go crazy when the vote goes the way of equality…who are they going to hate next? Geez…
Well…this thought just came to me as I have been reading about the vagueness of the economic proposals that are coming out of the Romney camp…it occurs to me that this is the exact same playbook that Scott Walker used to get elected in Wisconsin…lie to the people about your true intentions and make yourself look as innocuous as possible…never revealing your true, radical agenda until after the election…the only problem is that there is no way to recall a president that does that like there are in many of the states. this appears to be in the repub playbook all across the country as we move toward the election….just more of the “bait and switch” that the repubs have done so successfully over the past few years…
One last thing…the repubs have sunk to a new low today in Virginia for rejecting a judicial candidate just because he is gay and supports civil rights for gays and lesbians. While I abhor this kind of conduct by the repubs…I also feel that it is going to hasten the inevitable decline of those troglodytes and we may not have to deal with them anymore by the end of my lifetime….we can hope, anyway…
Well…I know it’s been a few time that I have used this title but it just keeps occurring and it just fits so well…this time the hypocrisy comes from an unusual source within the party, the “Log Cabin” republicans; the part of the repub party that is made up of gays and lesbians. So, when they came out the other day (nope, didn’t plan to say that) criticizing the president for his delay on his support of gay rights and marriage, I laughed my butt off…and that laughter was driven by the fact that they have not said anything about Romney’s blanket declaration in opposition of those rights….so, it’s bad to delay but eventually support gay rights if you are a dem but it is okay to continue to oppose them if you are a repub? Just the kind of hypocrisy that makes my job easier and shows that the modern repubs have no class or honesty….but, did we expect anything different with these idiots?
Well…just a short comment on the decision by the president to continue to “evolve” his views on gay marriage to the point that he now supports it and all I can say is “it’s about time”. It’s about time that millions of our fellow citizens don’t have to hide anymore…it’s about time that everyone in this country has the same rights as everyone else…and, it’s about time that we tell the homophobes on the right that our gay and lesbian friends are no different than we are…they want the same chance to be happy in a committed relationship with the benefits of marriage…they want to be able to go to the hospital and visit their loved ones and not be shunted aside since they have no legally recognized relationship….especially here in Michigan where this discrimination has been codified into our constitution…and needs to be removed as soon as possible. This is the fundamental difference between the parties in this election; one party wants to continue the historical duty of a democracy to extend the rights of that democracy to more and more people while the other, the repubs, try to do their best to limit the rights of citizenship to only those that agree with them and over the past decade or so, have done their best to disenfranchise everyone but them….I hope that time is over and those of us who believe that deriving the benefits of citizenship should become easier over time…not harder and harder as the repubs do. I know that just having the president come out in favor of this civil right will not automatically tear down the roadblocks the repubs have built…but, I find it heartening that Obama has found a spine finally and has said enough to the right…now it’s up to us to support him at the ballot box to make this a better country…
What you never want to be….