Well…there have been some signs starting to appear that are pointing to what many of us have been hoping for for a long time now….that the crazy assed repubs are starting to pay for that craziness….the latest place this has come to light is in
Virginia where the repubs have been in control of the entire government for a few years now and have done what these asses have done everywhere else…go after women’s rights, vilify gay people, and try to give the states away to their corporate masters. But, it appears that there are enough people in Virginia who are saying enough with this crap…the final polls for the election next week appear to say that the entire top of the ticket, from governor, lieut governor, attorney general and more are going to the dems….and that means no more vaginal ultrasounds or other nonsense from the legislature there…the repubs will still own both houses but there will be a significant erosion on their power…and, maybe the opportunity is there to take the whole state in two years…something that didn’t look possible even last year….keep at it dems…we can exterminate the crazy if we just turn out….geez….