Well…I’m not sure how many times I’ve said this over the years but, from their behavior, repubs are just evil, evil people who only care about ideology, not about the people they are supposed to work for. The latest example comes from Virginia, where the dem governor there is trying to get almost 400,000 people without health insurance covered under the Medicaid expansion from Obamacare, but the repubs are doing everything including bribing a dem senator to quit his job so the repubs will control the senate and block the expansion. Yep, you heard that right…this traitor dem tried to trade his senate seat for a place on some tobacco board and for his daughter getting a judgeship…bribery, plain and simple…but the thing that just galls me here is that selfishness of this guy…to trade the health and welfare of all of those Virginians and allowing some of them to die just so he can take care of his family. What about the rest of Virginia’s families, senator? Just ugly republican double dealing just like they have done everywhere they have taken power…and they continue to be returned to power by the very people they are saying “screw you” to…geez…