Another reason to get rid of the electoral College…

Well…if there already weren’t enough reasons to get rid of the racist electoral college that has given the past three repub *presidents the office when they got less votes than their competitor, the latest is the little known and never used clause that says that the governor of any state can seat his own slate of electors and ignore the votes of the people. And trump and his cronies have seized on that clause and are setting up the process to bribe governors of swing states where trump loses to do just that…so all of the repub bleating about “voter fraud” that is bad, bad, bad unless repubs do it…but we knew that, didn’t we? I really do hope trump tries it…there will be rioting in the street from all voters who suddenly find that their votes didn’t count at all with trump stealing the election. So, when we win…and we are going to win, the electoral college has got to go and we need to make the popular vote what elects presidents…it is the only fair way to support “one person, one vote” that is at the heart of our society…what’s left of it….geez…don’t these guys ever get tired of cheating?

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