Well…I have been waiting for a couple of weeks to work on this one…hoping that the whole thing would die down and be just a bad dream…but, it appears to be even worse than I expected so I need to say something about it. As you know, the repubs lost big in the last election even with all of their efforts to suppress the votes across the country….and since the voter id crap and restricting voting hours didn’t work, we now have the Koch brothers pet organization, ALEC, you know, the guys behind the stand your ground laws that make it legal to murder, figuring out ways to make sure that repubs can win in the electoral college by rigging how the votes are apportioned…going from winner takes all in most states to proportional awarding of the votes…by some formula that would always favor the repubs. In fact, here in Michigan, with the new way of dividing the votes would have given 9 of the 16 votes to Romney where Obama won the state by almost 9 points. That’s the repubs idea of democracy in action…they can’t compete on ideas since the country has moved on past them, but their thirst for power has them willing to subvert the very democracy they say they revere…but that is the repubs…no honor, no honesty, and no intelligence…geez…