It’s all just vanity…

Well…I know you’ve all heard the stories of how people have tried and tried and tried to get trump to learn anything, with the head of the naval war college going so far as saying that he thinks that trump has a learning disability and a mental block that doesn’t allow him to take in any facts or data that are in conflict with his “beliefs” on any issue, whether or not his “beliefs” are driven by delusion on the idiot’s part…what I think is that idiot boy knows or has started to realize that his inability to perform his job is making him look bad and his vanity is driving him to reject intelligence or reality just to relieve the cognitive dissonance that this creates. Now, we all know trump is not bright enough to understand cognitive dissonance….remember one of his college professors who stated bluntly that trump was by far the the dumbest student he ever had? But, you don’t have to understand CD to react to it’s effects…oh, and if you’re wondering, yes, I do have a degree in psychology so I understand the terms I’m commenting on…it all comes back to the inflated self worth that trump displays every day that has no basis in reality…but his construct of the false reality needs to be supported by his delusions of success…and thinking he knows more than anyone about everything is all just part of his vanity that has been on display his entire life….let’s impeach the MF before he kills us all…cripes…

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