Well…with all of the delusional stuff on the internet, it is not often that something fresh comes up that make you shake your head and laugh…but today is one of those days. Just read an article about a video out there called “There are no trees” that posits that the forests we see on earth now are not really forests and don’t contain “real trees” just small versions of the real trees that used to exist and towered hundreds of kilometers high carrying it’s own ecosystem. For proof, the makers cite Devil’s Tower as being the stump of one of the real trees and then goes on to say that other geological formations are more stumps. Now, you just have to hand it to the flat Earth folks…doing all the work to invent a brand new delusion for people to embrace…and the internet fringes have with over a hundred thousand views of the video…I haven’t seen it…not going to waste and hour and a half of my life on someone else’s delusions when mine work perfectly fine….oh, one last thing…these “real trees” sound suspiciously like the “Integral Trees” of the novel of the same name by Larry Niven…that was a pretty good story…but, just a story…