Well…have had some things rattling around in my head that I wanted to get down before I forget them…might be a better idea to forget them but hey, after over 7,000 of these, I need topics from anywhere so here goes…I was watching “Jessica Jones” the other night and saw something that made me laugh a little bit…when she was getting ready for a stakeout, she filled a stainless steel water bottle with whiskey to take with her…and it was the exact same old school sub-zero one that I have to carry water on the bike…no fancy top or anything like that but one that you have to unscrew and remove to drink…see, I told you this really doesn’t mean anything…it kind of like seeing a Miata in a movie or tv show…only means something to me…oh, one other thing…that may qualify for trail weirdness…okay, I think I’ll wait on that one and actually do a trail weirdness one later today or tomorrow since I have a few things that I have been storing up…and that one will have turkeys!