Well…I wanted to title this one happy Saturday but then I decided to stay consistent….since this is just another day to us non-believers serving out our forced exile….okay, that’s a little harsh…especially after seeing “A Christmas Story” this morning…one of the funniest movies ever made and one that distilled what Christmas was like when I was growing up; what life was like when I was growing up. It made me think of the path that got me to here; how the little kid that used to be is now the old guy….and the simpler times that were. Oh, well…not going to wallow in that today….had a nice night last night with movies, a few cocktails, and slept okay….well…I do feel a little slow but that’s to be expected. Not much to do today…I’ve already told you that I’m making a rib roast today…32 bucks of great looking beef that I’m going to cook bleeding and then add glazed carrots and baked potatoes with fresh baked bread and au jus….yeah, I know…it’s inconsistent that I’m cooking a special dinner on just a Saturday… but it’s been so long since I’ve had red meat that I just had to…don’t know if any of the boys are coming over but that’s okay…just going to veg all day and watch some tv…might get another one out later…