Damn, I did it again…

Well…as you can see, I completely forgot to do a second one today and I am going to blame being busy as heck for the first time in years…but, I just had to talk a little about the idiot trump’s latest meltdown and I’m still laughing about it…or I would be if it wasn’t so completely unhinged…after idiot boy went off on the head of the fed for not lowering interest rates, calling him a bigger enemy than China…a guy that trump appointed by the way…China announced that it was increasing tariffs on lots of American products including a 25% one on cars and trumpy boy just lost it…going on twitter to say “Our great American companies are hereby ordered to start looking for an alternative to China including bringing your companies home and making your products in the US…” Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the repub party the one that keeps shouting socialism every time that anyone proposes a little regulation for the unfettered power of business? But now, all of them are silent when the leader of their party “orders” all businesses to do the governments bidding and help him attack China…sounds like central planning to me, a hallmark of communism where the government told everyone what to do and how to do it…hey, repubs…how’s this crazy ass that you continue to support working out for you? Unless you do something about the demented idiot you put in the WH, it’s going to be a bloodbath for you in 2020…oh, and by the way, after trump started attacking the fed and China today, the stock market crashed another 600+ points, wiping out hundreds of billions of dollars in retirement savings for anyone who is lucky enough to have a 401k…oh, and one last piece of derangement that you should know about today…idiot boy has threatened to burn down everyone’s 401k’s if you don’t vote for him….okay, it’s 25th amendment time, folks….Pence, are you listening? geez….

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