Well…I know, you probably think this place is like The Onion at times when I talk about the latest bit of idiocy from the idiot in chief…it seems that over the past couple of weeks, trump has asked his aides why they can’t just drop a nuke in the eye of a hurricane to disrupt it and make it go away…I wonder if he has been watching “Sharknado” lately…there was a marathon of all of them on last week and that is what they did to make a sharknado go away…after all, we all know that most of his time is spent watching tv and tweeting so maybe he did run across the marathon and thought it was a documentary or something. I wonder what’s next…build a giant air conditioner to combat global warming? Put up giant lightning rods on everyone’s houses so you won’t have to buy electricity? Geez…that boy is dumber than a box of rocks…but I don’t have to tell you that…the whole world already knows…