Well…just feeling so damn beat today that I haven’t had the energy to do the reading I need to do one on politics so I think I’ll just wait until tomorrow…so, what is this one about? Who knows? Just sitting here and thought I’d put down some thoughts and see where it goes…I have been so sore with all of the painting lately that I really need this weekend off to get my right wrist and elbow to heal up some…I think the tendons are irritated and I should take something for it but will wait until later so I can sleep tonight…I guess I was wrong about T….got a bunch of texts from her today…more than I have over the past couple of weeks and that has me scratching my head…hmmmm….I did get the entire living room done today and got the second coat on half of it…burned through a whole gallon of paint today and that is more than I have done in a day since I started on this project…I can see using another 5 or 6 gallons to finish everything and but I won’t have that done before I move in….just need to do the hallway to the bedrooms and the bedroom I’m going to use in the next couple of weeks…so, this one turned into a house update….it is coming along and I can’t wait to move….