Well…didn’t get up til 6 but that didn’t help feeling crappy and tired this morning…just damn exhausted and I could use another day of taking it easy but I don’t have the time for that…need to continue to get ready for the move and have to get the internet working at the house along with shades and new thermostat…and I need to get the back yard ready for the new fence so it looks like another busy week…at least my foot is not hurting much and I may be able to stop the medication…or taper it off like I was instructed…I’ll bet it will still hurt to put a shoe on but I can live with that….I did get a bunch of moving related prep done around here yesterday and even got a bike ride in but I will have to wait til later to go out with it being in the 40′s right now and I just don’t want to be cold yet…I know that is coming but I am not ready to give up shorts yet…I am under 300 miles to go to beat my record on the bike and it looks like I may get there riding on the trainer indoors…but that is still riding and it counts….more later…