Well…that was a weird night of sleep with getting up twice but then getting back to sleep and having dreams twice…and that never happens so it was cool for a change…still got up at 5:15, though, and it would have been a trifecta to sleep in, too…but, I guess that’s too much to ask…my foot doesn’t hurt at all this morning and that is even with tapering off to one dose of medication so I may try to not take any today…the redness is almost gone but the skin on the joint is peeling off and I wonder if that has something to do with the gout….strange….it’s also a strange feeling that this is my last Sunday here and next week I’ll have a new routine at the house…hope it is as peaceful as the ones here normally are…and it should be even more peaceful with no one stomping over my head or running up and down the stairs…and I think I’m going to try to wean myself off wearing earplugs to sleep since I started that to blot out the noise from the heating unit upstairs a few years ago…but that will mean getting used to brand new noises at the house like I used to have to do in hotel rooms when I traveled for work….it is going to be a little busy today with trying to get a bike ride in after the run over to the house…need to measure the back door window for a shade and bring the faceplate for the microwave so I can epoxy the fasteners back on it after I clean it…and stop at depot to get the shades so I can get them up before the move…then I need to stop spending money for a while to build my account back up…more later…