Well….didn’t sleep for crap last night but don’t feel too badly right now…have everything ready to go in the car and truck for the move today so this will be the last one from the apartment where I started this thing so many years ago…man, there have been a lot of things happen while I was living here but it truly is time to move on to new places and new things…or the same things but just in a different location…I think that’s more like it….even going to try to get a bike ride in this aft since it is going to be in the 60′s and I can go out in just a t-shirt…but, we’ll see…will still have a lot of work to do to put my bedroom together and get the roku and router working so I’ll have wifi and that could take a call to my son since I last did it years ago and I really don’t remember what we did…at least I know the internet works so that is something….and I have to remember to eat something today, too…and make coffee when I get over there since I took the coffee maker over yesterday….that is about it for now…this place looks weird with nothing in any room but the living room but I am ready to get going…more later…