Well…with the stunt the repubs pulled today of storming into the secure briefing room where a witness was giving testimony on the Ukraine extortion, all of them should be censured to start with, but then they should all be charged with obstruction of a congressional investigation…and the kicker of the whole thing was that, again, trump was aware of and supporting this crap…and that makes for another article of impeachment and adds to his already ongoing daily obstruction. Now, the repubs are always going on and on that they are the party of national security but every damn one of these idiots that pushed their way into the secure room where they don’t belong since they are not on that committee who is taking the testimony, took his cell phone into the room which is a severe breach of security and IC rules…and now, because these assholes pulled this stunt, the facility has to be swept for bugs to ensure that it is still secure from spying. This is just another incidence where the repubs don’t think any rules or laws apply to them and I think Nancy Pelosi needs to bring the hammer down on all of them…how about taking away all of their committee assignments to start with…we need to stomp on this crap as hard as possible…and do it now…