They’re playing it right…

Well…I’m not sure what the stupid repubs thought they were going to accomplish with their stunt of invading a secure space to try to disrupt impeachment testimony yesterday, but it appears that all it did was make them look ridiculous since the testimony they were trying to disrupt happened later yesterday and by all accounts drove another nail in the idiot trump’s coffin. I just loved the reaction to that crap by Pelosi and Schiff…which was to have a press conference saying that plans are forming on their part for the public impeachment hearings…essentially ignoring the repubs who broke house rules. But, I’m sure that Pelosi is not ignoring their unethical behavior and will drop the hammer on them at some point in the future…and as I suggested, it could include losing committee assignments or even censure. The real problem the repubs have is that they have nothing…trump has already admitted to the extortion and no amount of pretzel logic is going to change that…all it is going to do is make the repbs like Lindsey Graham look more and more ridiculous every day and may even cost a few of them in 2020…we can hope….

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