Well…the stench of desperation is wafting off the orange idiot today with reporting that he is meeting with repub senators and offering to fund their campaigns with lots of cash if they don’t convict him after his impeachment. Now, I’m not a lawyer but with the repubs dodging reporter’s questions about trump’s guilt by saying they are jurors in the impeachment trial and can’t comment…this appears to be more blatant bribery on trump’s part…and I read one commentator, who is a lawyer, say that this is as blatant attempt of felony bribery he has sever seen….and it sure looks like that to me, too. Gee…doesn’t that make every damn repub that takes the money a felon, too? It looks like the idiot trump is continuing to practice his quid pro quos so he gets better at it I guess…since he was so lousy at it with the Ukraine. Look, this just shows you that the repub party is the criminal party that has no business being part of the political life of the US…they do have business with the prison industry and that’s where quite a few of them are going to end up…