Well….another night of semi good sleep and I don’t feel too bad this morning other than I’m a little tired still…but not tired enough to make coffee with the extra caffeine…used new muscles again yesterday with raking the leaves in the front yard and the soreness is not too bad…I actually enjoyed getting out and doing some yard work and I still have the back yard to do but the leaves are not all down and I only want to do it once…I decided to stop favoring my right thumb yesterday and it may be better from using it…at least it hurts less right now and I’ll take that…even used it on the bike to work the brakes on the back wheel and that hurt like crazy but I think that’s just breaking the scarring in it…we’ll see today…I may have to change out the rear shifter since it just doesn’t shift right anymore and that is a little disappointing after only 8,000 miles…but, not getting the gear you need when you need it is annoying as hell…I did get out to run some errands yesterday and need to do the grocery run this morning…I’m glad I decided to put gas in the car the day before yesterday at 2.13 a gallon before the price shot up 40 cents…I know that 40 cents a gallon for 6 gallons is not a lot of savings but it is something…not much to do today….need to get the stuff for t-day and Meijers has turkeys for 33 cents a pound so I need one of those…I mean a 15 pound turkey for under 5 bucks? Can’t pass that up….more later….