Well…is anybody else bored at 8:30 in the morning? Today, I am so I thought I’d come here and talk about something I noticed when I got the stereo running again. With living in an apartment for so long and not wanting to disturb the other tenants, I didn’t really use my stereo much but used my mp3 player with the earbuds in…and quite a bit of the music I have I have never heard on the stereo before….so it was kind of funny that it sounds so different when I connect the mp3 player to it and play it loud…really loud…and adding the extra set of speakers that I found in the basement really fills out the sound…I do like how it sounds and it is like listening to the music for the first time in some instances….and did I mention loud? It is pretty cool to not have that to think about that anymore…I should probably play something right now and try to find a book to read since I don’t feel like working on the house….more later…