Some musings…

Well…it looks like you may be getting a few of these today with it being Christmas and because I don’t celebrate it so the normal stuff that normal people do are not part of my day…so that means I’m starting today just like any other Wednesday…with the “Lone Ranger” playing in the background so I have some noise in here that masks my tinnitus….I did just notice the intro that made me laugh out loud when they called him a “fabulous individual”….who talks that way? I’m pretty sure I’ve never called anyone that in my life but I wouldn’t mind being called that….I think this is probably the 20th year or so that I haven’t celebrated Christmas and it is so damn liberating to not have to shop for presents or to travel to family gatherings…my kids all celebrate with their in-laws and that is cool but I would feel a little hypocritical to go through those motions since I have been an atheist for as long as I can remember…and you know how I feel about the damage that religion can do…after all, all you have to do is look at the trumpism that has been shit on this country solely by the evangelical voters who still support the idiot in chief even after putting children in cages and his daily immorality that they conveniently ignore since he totally supports the hate they feel for everyone that is not like them. I really don’t want to tar all religious people for the actions of these folks who would use anything else as a vehicle for their hate even if religion didn’t exist…I grew up in a religion that taught the principles of love and tolerance that I still aspire to today but that doesn’t look anything like the “christianity” that spews hatred to the LGBTQ community, that wants to ensure that women continue to be second class citizens with only the rights that they say women can have, and whose morality is malleable and not what is taught in their bible. I’ll end with this…as an atheist, I don’t feel offended when someone says Merry Christmas to me and I’ll happily say it back to them….I’ll never be one of those people who craps on other people’s traditions and beliefs…there is room in this big world for everyone….

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