Well…I know it’s just the start of winter but I’m already getting tired of snow since I have to shovel it this year…I mean having to do the driveway three times in two days? I haven’t yet developed my resignation to the fact that it is Michigan and it is winter but damn weather, give me a day or two to get rid of the soreness before you dump on me again. I am going to go out and buy a plastic shovel for the light work this week since the one I have been using is a pretty heavy aluminum one that was left here when I moved in and it is great for pushing snow but not too good for lifting it and clearing the snow off the porch…and I can get a nice one for 10 bucks at depot so that will be the one purchase that I can make this month until I get my next deposit on the 19 of Feb…just paid 700 bucks worth of bills that has a few hundred dollars that are not repeaters so Feb should be better and I’ll be able to build my checking account back to where I’ll be comfortable in any emergency…I even got 9 miles in on the bike today and I am working on making that a daily occurance since I do need to try to meet the 600 miles I got in indoors last year to make the 5K goal I have for this year…only have 144 miles so far so I need to make sure I don’t skip any days…it’s a little boring without a tv to watch but I’ll get used to it…no more later…