Well…god, do you ever get tired of the criminal in chief continuing to abuse his power as the fake president? Or of the repubs not doing a damn thing about it? This is going to be a short one about an article that I just read where trump and his team have threatened repub senators, quote: “vote against the president, and your head will end up on a pike”…clearly a case of abuse of power and the wimpy repubs just sit there and take it…don’t they have any self respect left? Yeah, we all know the answer to that one…no…no they don’t…but if I were a senator from a co-equal branch of government and the thug in chief said that to me, it would be the last straw and I would definitely vote for the idiot’s removal…and then make sure idiot boy would pay in court for all his lawbreaking…but these guys? Nope, not a damn one of them has even commented on the threats let alone done anything about it…and this is just another reason for us to remove as many of them as we can in the fall…..damn Adam Schiff, re-open the impeachment and write up more articles…if this is not worth it, what is?