Well….I think 5 days of waiting for birds is enough so I give up….you would think that at least one bird would have stumbled on the feeders just by accident but it doesn’t look that way….I have been watching the one that suction cups to the front window and there have been no birds as far as I can see and the piles of feed in it look just the same as when I filled it Monday….oh, well…I guess I’ll still look at them occasionally but I was really looking forward to seeing some birds there on a regular basis…I think one good thing is that I didn’t buy new feeders to try this out but just used the existing ones so I’m only out 5 bucks….I did get an airlock built at the bottom of the basement stairs today so that may help with my coughing…we’ll see tonight when I go to bed…..and I think I’ll look for a better filter/respirator for when I have work to do downstairs….have to do everything I can to keep the cough away….