Well….okay, let’s cut through the bullshit and get to the point…I have read all of the breathless reports that the corrupt Bill Barr is “thinking” of resigning and want to stop the wishful thinking right now….Barr is not resigning…this is all part of the coordination with the WH to take the heat off Barr for their destruction of the justice department…it has nothing to do with Barr growing a conscience since he has not shown one throughout his career…it is all about misdirection and showing the new “shiny object” to the media so they will stop writing about Barr’s corruption of the justice system…after all, Barr doesn’t care about his legacy since he has cemented his place as a right wing hero and is just drooling about getting his hands on some of that sweet sweet wingnut welfare…and has stated openly that he doesn’t care about his legacy, saying that “everyone dies” and the who cares? So, let’s stop all of the speculation…Barr isn’t going anywhere…