Well…I’ve discovered a downside to being good and going to bed at 10 pm…even with getting 7 hours of sleep in, I’m still up at 4:51 and now drinking coffee at 5:30….that may just be too early to start that since the news sites that I read won’t update for a while yet and I can’t do the grocery run until after 9 with needing some chicken at Aldi’s…and I must have tossed and turned like crazy since my mattress was displaced by a foot off the box spring…I do remember that I had some dreams, too but I don’t remember what they were about….but, I don’t feel too bad this morning so I guess that’s all okay…I do need to fill the time this morning so I am going to finish up the window in the spare room before I head out for errands…almost forgot to paint the hardware for the blinds so I couldn’t put them up yesterday but that gave the paint time to harden a little so I won’t chip it when I put the blinds up…and it looks like no bike ride until Sat so I should be able to finish the other three windows this week and then get started on putting my tools and supplies away to clean this place up some….I did have the idea to use my son’s power washer to try to take the paint off the copper gutters without damaging them but that is going to wait until it’s at least 60 outside…not much to do today….going to have a little more coffee before I start on the blinds but I am going to try to take some time off to rest my thumb with the pain that I’ve had the past week or so…more later….