Well…it’s another primary day in the vote for the dem candidate and with the polls showing that Joe Biden is going to be the big winner today, the predictable morons on our side are all over the internet saying that they can’t vote for Joe because he is just another republican or that the nomination was stolen from Bernie or there is no difference between the idiot trump and Joe…hey morons, if you are so stupid that you think a non vote for Joe is not a vote for the idiot boy you are dumber than a box of rocks. Yeah, Joe may be more conservative than you’d like and he may have taken some centrist stands over the years but comparing him to trump? That is just whining that your guy is going to lose…do you think there is a chance that any of your progressive agenda is going to be enacted if you sit this out and trump wins? With Joe, and the rest of the congress in our control, you bernie supporters still have a chance to shape the agenda and get some of what you want if Joe is president…and let’s remember, even if Bernie was elected, the congress is more conservative and cautious than he and you guys are and you are not going to get everything he wants either….you know, I’ve had enough of this damn whining from people on our side…Joe wasn’t my first choice but he is a decent human being that won’t keep children in cages, will fight for a woman’s right to control her own body, and will protect the working people in this country along with agreeing to much of our agenda…if that is not enough for you than go back to your whining and wait for another 4 years of trump and you’ll never get a bit of your agenda…go ahead, cut off that nose….