Well….yep…it’s the switch…again…and this one only lasted about 6 months and that sucks…but, they’re only 5 bucks so I guess I don’t need to bitch too much…and I can just remove the positive battery cable for now so no big deal…after I got that figured out, the morning got better with getting out on the bike in shorts about 8:15 and getting a hard ride in…even saw my first bald eagle of the year today and that was pretty cool…and the wind waited to start blowing hard until I made the turn to come back here so I had it at my back most of the return trip and was really flying on the trail…too damn many people out today, though, and some of them were being idiots…I mean running in a group of 10 people 2 feet apart? If any of them are infected, they all will be soon….not sure what I’m going to make for lunch today….I have some bacon the needs to be used and eggs to go with that…but I have soup, chicken, and pizza that needs to be used, too….hmmm….at least I won’t need to go out for anything this week but I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not….I should take the car out and charge the battery up and I may do that tomorrow…want to make a run to HF to get my new compressor for 40 bucks so I can air the tires up on the bike….more later…