Well…cripes…let’s add something else to worry about with the damn virus going around…have felt pretty crappy all day today and when that happens these days, the first thing you think of is that damn virus…but, I’m sure it’s not that but my allergies going into overdrive…some of which is my fault but some of it is that trees have started to bloom along the trail along with weeds and grass….I know a big part of it is the downstairs project that is going quite well but doing that makes my allergies much worse….but, I am nearing the goal that I set when I started the project so I may be able to shut it down when I get through a few more months….it would be so damn nice to not have the stuffed up head, itchy eyes, and coughing that has been with me since I moved in here….and none of those are coronavirus symptoms so I guess I’ll live another day…and I know the soreness I feel is from being an idiot on the bike the past few days…hey, I just noticed something…I think this is going to be the most posts I have done in a month since I have been doing this! I’ll have to go back and check but I’m over 80 and I still have two days to go…maybe 90 for the month? That would be cool…crap, just checked and in February of 2017 I did 105 of these so no new record…but 90 would still be cool…