Well…okay, have had really bad allergies for months now but this feels different…I have started to feel warm this afternoon and just weird…still coughing but that has been going on for months so that’s not a new one…I’m not sure if I’m eating enough and that always makes me feel warm the following day…I mean I had two eggs, two pieces of bacon and two slices of toast along with two pieces of pizza yesterday…and I figure that is over 1500 calories and that should be enough…although the day before that I only had half a chicken breast and couple of bowls of soup…and so far today I’ve had half a chicken breast and a handful of fries and that is only about 400 calories so I could be behind for today…and I am trying my hand at baking bread right now I am so bored…so I’ll have a couple of slices of that in a few minutes….all I know is this feels different than normal…like I have a bad cold coming on…do colds still exist? No one is talking about that right now…crap, I don’t need this right now…or ever…I guess I’ll keep you posted if this gets worse….