Well…with the news today the Bernie Sanders is dropping out of the race for the dem nomination, all I have to say is thanks Bernie….look, I’ve been a fan of Bernie’s for a long time with his core being always trying to look out for the little guy and trying to rein in the corporations who are sucking this country dry. Bernie was not my choice in the primary, I voted for Liz Warren since I think she has the best combination of empathy, tact and steel and would make a great president…but, she didn’t win and am I sitting here pouting and saying that I’ll vote for trump if Liz is not the nominee? I’m looking at you Joe Rogan…you pea-brained idiot…you’d give us 4 more years of trump just because your fee fees are hurt that your guy didn’t get enough votes to win…I’ve got news for you, moron…that’s how it works…Joe got more votes so he is the nominee…with no rigging of the primaries or any other bullshit conspiracy theories that you and the rest of the “Bernie Bros” have been spouting….okay Bernie, now is the time to tell your followers in no uncertain terms that you will back Joe completely and you expect your followers to do the same…to do anything else is to be collaborators in the destruction of this country…and no, destruction is not necessary for the country to be rebuilt…it makes it so much damn harder to get the society you say you want….so, swallow your pride and understand that Joe Biden, with Bernie, Liz, Kamala, Amy, and Pete working together can start that repair process…and get us all to the country we can be if we just shoulder the repubs aside…