Well…it’s harder than I thought it was going to be to take the day off and want to get out to mow the lawn for the first time but using an electric mower when it’s sprinkling doesn’t seem like too good of an idea…so, I thought I’d come here and do this instead. Okay, it looks like the idiot in chief with the attention span of a gnat has gotten tired of this whole virus thing and has decided to not even fake caring about it anymore…just this morning, the WH announced that they are going to stop funding and running all testing for the virus across the country and are leaving it the states to pick up the slack if they want to…now it does seem a little stupid to unilaterally stop the one thing that would allow us to get a handle on the spread of the virus and to help apply resources where it would do the most good but that would take an understanding of science…something that not one of trump’s cronies has at all…and they’ve run out of PPE in the federal stockpiles so what’s the point of testing if you don’t have the material to help at all? This is just another instance where trump and his moron brigade are treating the supplies that were purchased by all of us as if they paid for it out of their own pockets and are trying mightily to figure out how they can make money off of these supplies for themselves and their business buddies. And now, the first trial balloons are being floated by these morons that they want to start “opening” the country back up and sending people back to work May 1st even though the pandemic still rages across the country…and this says that these assholes never took the federal response seriously but more as just a “PR” problem that could be solved by lies and propaganda…no matter how many people will die, these assholes are tired of having to work at all and want to take the easy (to them) way out…murderers all…