Well…with the idiot trump firing everyone who was charged with making sure the bailout money went to the right places, to quote Neil Young “the looting has begun” as trump and his cronies just steal everything that is not nailed down….almost half a trillion dollars has disappeared with no oversight…even though oversight is written into the spending bill but the repubs are helping idiot boy give the cash to whoever he wants. Let’s remember one thing that these folks are too stupid and venal to understand…that the looting is not permanent…it’s only going to last until we beat trump in the fall and then the investigations of who got what and who did what and who broke what laws will start….and with a dem in the WH, there will be unfettered cooperation with both the house and senate committees who will find out where the money went and will “claw back” all of the stolen loot…with interest and I would bet that there will be criminal referrals, too….so hey, morons…it may look good right now that you can buy a few more yachts with the stolen money…but we’re going to take it back after November after your cronies are consigned to the ash heap of history….and you will be, too…