Well….the rest of the world is staring at the US and it’s non-existent national response to the coronavirus pandemic and have started to ask the question “what happened?” 30 million people out of work, food lines stretching for miles, and the highest death toll from the virus in the world…and they are finally getting the idea that it is trump’s fault…and they are starting to be honest about everything that the idiot boy has done…from shattering long term alliances, to shredding treaties that he doesn’t like, to embracing dictators around the world, they now have trump’s number and they are now not shy about weighing in on the incompetence and stupidity of the moron in chief….in just three short years, trump has taken this country from the respect that was built from WW II to his election to an international pariah who no one can count on anymore…and, for the first time in a century, absolutely no one is turning to the US for leadership or guidance…and, thanks to trump, American democracy is no longer worthy of admiration as he sows the seeds of hate and division…along with his prime enabler Mitch McConnell who just last week said that he will block any aid that helps any blue state…even though his state of Kentucky gets much more back from the federal government than they put in every year…subsidized by the very blue states who Moscowmitch wants to hurt. So, trump on his own in only 3 years has allowed our power and our respect in the world to wither away by his stupidity and 3rd grade view of how the world works….and the rest of the world has moved on and is laughing at him…the world has trump’s number and they are finally realizing that we are no longer trustworthy partners so they are going to go it alone….nice job you asshole….