Well…that was a mistake…didn’t take any allergy meds before bed last night and I am miserable this morning with all of the usual symptoms but even worse than normal…so, I am going to suffer all day until I can take something tonight as I need to make the meds last a while…what a pain in the butt…and I didn’t sleep either so I am grumpy today…and feeling like crap….I did get two rides in yesterday and that is the only thing I did all day other than cook…but today is going to be a one ride day with the temp only getting up to 50 or so and feeling so worn out….I may get out to start prepping the trim on the front and side of the front porch so I can paint it later in the week when it warms up but I may just wait until it warms up Wednesday…I do need to get out to get my tomato cages tomorrow along with some potting soil so I can get at planting Thursday with the end of the frost…I did have the first couple of garlic plants come up in the overflow garden yesterday but something is digging in it and I found black sunflower seed shells all over it that must have been buried there before I planted…weird….not much to do today…coffee, coffee, and more coffee first and then I’ll just ease into the day…don’t have the energy to do much else….more later…